How Accurate is the Necklace Test for Pregnancy?

A pregnancy test’s accuricity is crucial for any would be mom, their happiness resides on that one result. So the questions how accurate is the necklace test for pregnancy?

The accuracy of the necklace test for pregnancy depends on a number of different factors, but is generally estimated to be between 80 and 90 percent.

This means that if the test indicates that you are pregnant, there is an 80 to 90 percent chance that you actually are. Just so you know no pregnency test is 100% accurate.

How Accurate is the Chinese Gender Calendar?

The Chinese gender calendar is said to be over 90% accurate in predicting a baby’s sex. The original version of the chart was discovered in a royal tomb in Beijing over 700 years ago.

How Accurate is the Chinese Gender Calendar

It is claimed that the chart has been used by the royal families of China for generations to help choose the sex of their children.

How does it work? You simply need to know the month your baby was conceived and your age at conception (both according to the Chinese lunar calendar). You then find where these two factors intersect on the chart and voila!

The column headed by either ‘boy’ or ‘girl’ will tell you what gender your baby is predicted to be. So, how accurate is it really?

As with any prediction, nothing is 100% certain. However, many parents who have used the Chinese gender calendar claim that it was correct in their case.

There are also numerous scientific studies which suggest that there may be some truth behind this ancient method.

How Can You Predict My Baby's Gender at Home?

There are a few old wives tales that claim to be able to predict your baby's gender.

The most common is the ring test, where you tie a string around your wedding ring and hold it over your pregnant belly. If the ring swings back and forth, it's a girl, but if it circles around in a circle, it's a boy.

How Can You Predict My Baby's Gender at Home

Another popular method is the heart rate test, which claims that if your baby's heart rate is above 140 beats per minute, it's a girl, and below 140 beats per minute means it's a boy.

However, there is no scientific evidence to support either of these methods as being accurate ways to predict gender. So really, the only way to know for sure what you're having is to wait until your little one arrives!

Necklace Test for Baby Gender

Are you hoping to find out the gender of your baby, but don't want to wait for your 20-week ultrasound?

There is an old wives' tale that says you can determine the sex of your baby by hanging a necklace over your pregnant belly.

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The theory goes that if the necklace swings back and forth, you're having a boy, but if it circles around in a circle, you're having a girl.

Of course, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim, but it can be fun to try nonetheless!

To test it out, all you need is a long necklace (make sure it's one that won't break easily!) and someone to help you hold it over your stomach. Then, watch to see what happens.

Final Thoughts

All in all, the necklace test for pregnancy is a creative way to find out if you are pregnant or not. Although it is not 100% accurate.

It definitely gives you an idea on whether you should take a pregnancy test or not. If you want to be sure though, go ahead and take a home pregnancy test or visit your doctor.

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